Wednesday, July 31, 2019

One Way You Can Lower the Cost of Produce Essay

One way you can lower the cost of produce and be sure of their origin is to grow your own. Even in urban centers people are doing so. Go on the internet and see how you can as well. Discuss and describe one way you can make this happen whether in a dining facility or at home. Produce cost will be lower if you grow them at your home because it will reduce many of the cost that is associated with if you have to buy them in the supermarket or the food/vegetable market. The cost of labor will be reduce, the cost of transportation; whether it’s by land or a combination of land, sea, and ship will also be reduced. These costs are trickle down to the consumers which at time cause the end product to be very expensive. For the people living in the urban areas there are several option which they can explore to cultivate their own produce. One of such is if they have a piece of land in their yard, they can plant different vegetables on the land. It doesn’t have to be in abundance, a root or two of the different vegetables. If the piece of land that is not dirt, if it is concrete they can build vegetable beds off the ground and plant their produce there. Another option is to use flower plots to plant your vegetables, this takes up a lot less space and give you the same results, your own produce. When you grow your own produce you have control over the type of fertilizer you used on your crops and you can allow them to grow within their own natural timing. Some of the produce one can grow are; carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, and sweet pepper. These are short crops that once control will not take up a lot of space. These produce sometimes cost a lost if you have to buy them, and since most people are becoming health conscience they are a part of their daily meals. You can imagine how much you can save and the peace of mind you can get not worrying about how they were grown when you grow your own produce. Growing your own produce is all good, I see no negative to it and it should be something we all practice so that we can have more disposable income, eat healthier, and contribute to the protection of the ozone layer.

Communication Assignment Essay

Describe the main differences between communicating with adults and communication with children and young people (3. 2) Although there are some factors of communication that should be present regardless of age or development such as respect and courtesy, as adults and teaching staff we should adapt our communication and language with who we are talking to and their age. There is a need when communicating with children and young people to be clear and unambiguous. This helps children and young people understand what we are saying and expressing as well as helping them develop language and communication skills to use for themselves. As teaching staff when communicating with a child or young person it is important not to use too much language as the message or request could become confused and lost by the child or young person. It is important to ensure that the child or young people understand what is being asked of them and that teaching staff should ensure that this level of understanding is achieved and remember to be patient and mindful of age and development. It is also important to bear in mind that child and young people will copy adult behaviour and it is therefore imperative to model the kind of communication you would expect from them. This is why ensuring respect, accepting contributions and differences of opinions, being polite and courteous are crucial when communicating with children/ young people and adults. Identify examples of communication difficulties that may exist (3. 3) Communication is a crucial skill and helps us express feelings, make choices and aids us in all aspects of life, there are many pupils that struggle with communication and areas of difficulty can arise for a variety of reasons. This could be due to special needs or because of attitudes and beliefs. Physical Factors These could include speech impediments such as a stammer or more serious physical conditions or special needs which effect the ability of communication. Working in a special needs school I work with many students that are not able to verbally communicate for a number of different reasons such as severe autism, severe developmental delay and down syndrome. Although these students are fully supported and often have other ways to communicate they can often become frustrated that they cannot communicate their feelings. It also affects their independence. Confidence Confidence could be another barrier to communication. Confidence can be developed with practise; a pupil’s self esteem is linked to feelings of self-affirmation and belonging. As teaching staff it is important to empower pupils and give them the confidence that assists communication for example this could be done by giving a pupil enough time to respond and by being sensitive. Cultural Differences There may be communication difficulties due to cultural differences. This could be created because of different expectations created by culture. An example of this could be that a student in a school maybe part of a culture where eye contact is not encouraged this could mean that people may not pick up as many non verbal cues. Describe how to adapt communication to meet different communication needs (3. 4) It may be necessary to adapt the way in which you communicate if you are communicating with someone who has difficulties in this area. The following techniques can be used †¢ Speak clearly and appropriately when communicating. †¢ Slow your speech if necessary. Use visual aids such as pictures, photograph or flashcards. †¢ Use a translator if necessary. †¢ Use sign language. †¢ Maintain good eye contact and use positive body language. †¢ Use facial expressions and hand gestures. Working in a school for severely disabled young people, many of the students have communication difficulties, for many their communication skills are not representative of their age. This has meant that staff in the scho ol have to adapt to enable the students ways to communicate their feelings/wants/needs appropriately. Although teaching staff try to encourage speech there are other techniques that are used. For example * Makaton signing Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people to communicate. It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order. * Symbols/ Visual aids/ Visual timetables Symbols can be used to re enforce a message or a request used along side speech, an example of this could be handing a student a stop sign and saying â€Å"stop† if the student was being silly. Symbols can also be used as part of a visual timetable, these are usually used in autistic classes, symbols (or words) that represent the activities the students will be doing that day and in the correct order so they are aware of what they will be doing. * Electronic speakers Some students that are not able to communicate verbally use an electronic speaker; these are specialised computers that enable people to communicate. The user presses different buttons to communicate what they are trying to say, the speaker says the different words out loud. * PECS Picture, exchange, communication system (PECS) is a system of communication in which the student hands symbols to an adult to request something or to communicate a feeling. It tends to be used in autistic settings and gives students the opportunity for spontaneous communication. Describe how to deal with disagreements between; * The practitioner and child/ young people There can often be disagreements between teaching assistant staff and young people. This could be because staff have to put boundaries and rules in place which the young people may not agree with. In the case of a disagreement it is important to address the situation. The staff member should stay calm and collected and explain why they have taken the action that they have taken. In this case, of a disagreement because of boundaries the staff team should be consistent. Depending on the nature of the disagreement it may also be an idea to discuss it afterwards when everybody is thinking rationally, this could be an opportunity to talk about why it happened and how to prevent in the future. In my care setting there have been occasions that young people have targeted staff for unknown reasons. This can be difficult for the staff, in this case it’s important to provide support as a team. The staff member may want to do activities and tasks with the young person in the future to develop relationships. * The practitioner and other adults (3. 5) It is likely that when working along side people in a work setting that there will be disagreements. This could be for a number of reasons, including poor communication or clashes of personalities and ideas, as adults we can sometimes misread situations and information given, we can also be defensive and lead by our emotions. In these conflict situations it is important to be sensitive as well as keen to resolve the situation and soon as possible. Being open and honest about thoughts and feelings can help resolve a situation and ensure that both parties do their best to prevent it happening again. It is also important to remember that as an employee you are contracted to be professional. If employees are not able to resolve a disagreement they should refer to the schools grievance policy or procedure.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consider the Attitudes To Women Demonstrated In the Vienna of Measure For Measure

I think most men have fooled themselves into thinking that they are the seat of power—because women have allowed them that dream. Women's subtle power is to make men think that the man is in charge. Eli Khamarov in America Explained! Throughout the course of Measure for Measure, Shakespeare highlights subordination of the female characters by the males. In the Vienna represented in the play women have to suffer exploitation and derogation as their individualism and independence are undermined. Shakespeare uses this treatment of women to exemplify the corruption in the city of Vienna. The two main female roles in Measure for Measure are Mariana and Isabella. Both these women are victims of the corrupt motives of the men who so strongly influence their lives. Isabella, the protagonist, is a nun. Her name means â€Å"consecrated to God†. Looking at the roles the other women in the play have adopted, as will be discussed in more depth during the course of this essay, it seems she is almost forced into the role by the bigoted society in Vienna. It appears that the only fate for women, unless they wish to join a convent, be a prostitute or alone, is to become a housewife. As a nun Isabella benefits from the education and relative independence (although whether this particular privilege can belong to a woman, in the Vienna Shakespeare writes about, is doubtful) she would not have if married. There are still certain restraints, in that she is not able to have the sexual freedom of women who are not so divinely consecrated and, once she has taken her vows, she is n ot allowed to entertain the company of men: Nun: †¦ When you have vowed, you must not speak with men But in the presence of the prioress; Then if you speak you must not show your face, Or if you show your face you must not speak†¦ However, this is a small sacrifice to make for the standard of life she can expect to live but in spite of the advantages of being a nun, there significant drawbacks. Isabella is forced to abide by two laws: the chauvinistic law of the land and the androcentric dogma of the church. When they collide Isabella is forced to make a choice, not only between man and God, but also between her brother's life and her soul. It is ultimately the social structure in Vienna that is responsible for her angst and consequent no-win situation. Isabella: Then Isobel live chaste and brother die: More than our brother is our chastity Ultimately, for Isabella there is no escape. Even her brother does not understand her reasoning behind the choice to sacrifice his life for control of her own: â€Å"What sin you do to save a brother's life, / Nature dispenses with the deed so far / That it becomes a virtue.† The contrast between â€Å"sin† and â€Å"virtue† accentuates the contrast between his perception of the predicament and Isabella's. Claudio also overlooks that the church does not see nature as the overall decider of right and wrong. He fails to see that this is not only Isabella clinging onto her ‘eternal life' but also that this is her bid for independence. The strength of her female character is indicated in Act II Scene iv where she delivers the only female soliloquy in the play: Isabella: To whom should I complain? Did I tell this Who would believe me?†¦ †¦ had he twenty heads to tender down On twenty blocks he'd yield them up Before his sister should her body stoop To such abhorred pollution. Though she has just been offered a vicious ultimatum by Angelo, and seems at her wits end, she stands firm in the decision she has made. Her steadfast attitude towards the values she upholds is a contrast to those displayed by the three most significant male characters in the play: Angelo: Who will believe thee, Isabel? My unsoiled name, th'austereness of my life, My vouch against you, and my place i'th'state, Will so your accusation overweigh†¦ †¦ redeem thy brother By yielding up thy body to my will†¦ In this speech Angelo reveals a part of himself so contrasting with the person spoken about so highly in Act I Scene I: â€Å"There is a kind of character in thy life / That to th'observer doth thy history fully unfold.† This â€Å"well-seeming Angelo† is not the same person revealed in Act II Scene iv, and indeed throughout the play. His lack of consistency about his scruples hints at the weakness of his character, especially compared to that of Isabella. Unfortunately for her, no matter how much she can prove herself in the presence of men her femininity remains. Were women allowed more independence and choice, Isabella would not be faced with two conflicting laws; her situation would be entirely different. Her helplessness is highlighted by the fact that it is the subordination by men that has led to her no-win predicament, yet it is only a man who has sufficient authority to grant reprieve of either of the two fates. Bearing in mind the corrupt nature of most of the men in Measure for Measure's Vienna, this can only mean Isabella will no doubt be exploited. Mariana, in contrast to Isabella's comparatively feminist existence as a nun, has found her entire life shattered by the cancellation of her betrothal to a revered Lord of the city. Not enough to lose her brother at sea, with all the family's wealth, Lord Angelo shows his superficiality along with demonstrating the attitudes of men towards women in Vienna – that they are disposable – by calling off the engagement. Duke: †¦her brother Frederick was wrecked at sea, having in that perished vessel the dowry of his sister†¦ she lost a noble and renowned brother, in his love toward her ever most kind and natural; with his the portion and sinew of her fortune, her marriage dowry; with both, her combinate husband, this well-seeming Angelo. Isabella: Can this be so? Did Angelo so leave her? Duke: Left her in tears, and dried not one of them with his comfort; swallowed his vows whole†¦ a marble to her tears Here the Duke reveals the sad truth of Mariana's past which, as a woman, she is powerless to do anything about. The Duke says her brother loved her, Angelo clearly did not. In jilting her he demonstrates that his interests in her were based purely on the money she can access from her family. Kathleen McLuskie writes in The patriarchal bard: â€Å"There is evidence to suggest that marriage was regarded as just an instrument of social control†¦Ã¢â‚¬  The truth of this is slowly revealed throughout the play, though remains disguised until the final scene, especially in this scene. The accuracy of McLuskie's statement resonates through this scene the significance of its fact is seen in Mariana's daily life. The Duke's second statement describes Angelo's lack of interest in Mariana besides as a source of riches and probably business relations of some sort. Since the Duke describes Angelo as a model person, this appears to be accepted as some sort of norm amongst the aristocracy in Vienna. Through Mariana is shown the effect this self-interest has on the women in the society. Mariana is now confined to a moated grange where she has little company and even less to occupy her time. Shakespeare uses Mariana's character later in the play to exaggerate the forgiving nature of women, one of the few positive attributes he bestows upon the female characters in Measure for Measure. Mariana: Oh, my dear lord, I crave no other, nor better man. Although the women in Vienna are stripped of their freedom and seem to have their sense of responsibility undermined, they retain their principles and live up to the roles they hope to be given. They remain steadfastly loyal: Isabella to the doctrines of the church and Mariana to Angelo, regardless of the price they have to pay. Their devotion is often presented as submission: Isabella: (to Duke) I am directed by you. What Isabella does not realise when she utters these words is the situation to follow. This may be a premonition (as frequently occur in Shakespeare's plays) of the obedience the Duke of her in the final scene. Perhaps what Eli Khamarov claims in America Explained! is true also in Shakespeare's Vienna, that women allow men power over them. Then the question needs to be asked, â€Å"What do women gain from permitting men to domineer them?† Sexual freedom is certainly not the answer. The sexual constriction of Isabella and Mariana's lives is a stark contrast to that of the prostitutes, which make up a large Viennese sub-culture, in particular Mistress Overdone. Lucio: Behold, behold, where Madam Mitigation comes. I have purchased as many diseases under her roof as come to [judge] This brothel-owner is nicknamed Madam Mitigation by Lucio, since she ‘alleviates' men's sexual tension. Her liberalism is however still as much of a bane to her as Isabella's chastity is to Claudio and Angelo alike when, on the promotion of Angelo to â€Å"acting duke†, the brothels are ordered to close. Mistress Overdone: But shall all our houses of resort in the suburbs be pulled down? Pompey: To the ground, mistress. Mistress Overdone: †¦ What shall become of me? Caught in a vicious cycle, Mistress Overdone cannot marry, since no man wishes to marry her because she is a prostitute. If she cannot marry she must support herself; the only trade women are welcome in is prostitution hence she must remain a prostitute. But this in turn means no man will marry her. Mistress Overdone's lack of choice in her own life is another example of the double standards adopted by the corrupt men in Viennese society. This is a culture where women are used for sex yet still expected to remain pure and chaste. Their civil rights are abused, they are treated as second-class citizens, and their freedoms of speech and choice are taken from them. The comparison of the female characters suggested in the first paragraph of this essay when establishing Isabella's choice of becoming a nun is a good starting point for this. Mistress Overdone has the most freedom of any woman, but she pays for this with any emotional security she could hope for. Isabella has emotional security within the constraints of religion, but no freedom. There is also the possibility she may have little companionship. Mariana has no emotional security or freedom. When Juliet exercised her freedom within her emotional security; she had both taken from her. Since, even though the women in Vienna are stripped of their freedom and seem to have their sense of responsibility undermined, when a man is sentenced to death for impregnating his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e, the moral responsibility of the action is placed on the woman. Duke: So then it seems your most offenceful act Was mutually committed. Juliet: Mutually. Duke: Then was your sin of a heavier kind than his. Juliet: I do confess it, and repent it, father. Although the Duke is here posing as a friar, either he is adopting the attitude of the church he is representing, or he is following his own moral code. By going along with the church's belief Shakespeare is using him to show the patriarchal set-up of the religion in Vienna. If the Duke is using his own ideals as a guide, this is similarly as worrying since he is the ruler of the city and has the superseding voice. The exploitative nature of the men in Vienna is shown by the treatment of both Isabella and Mariana by Angelo and the Duke throughout the play. They are humiliated in public and subordinated in private. Angelo: For that her reputation was disvalued In levity. Since which time of five years I never spake with her, saw her, nor heard from her Angelo's jilting of Mariana leads to a decline her self-esteem whilst the Duke's manipulation of the two women results in his exultation and their continued lack of choice, as he marries Mariana to Angelo and demands Isabella's own hand in marriage. This lack of respect for women's own abilities to make choices renders them powerless over even their own lives. What Shakespeare says about Vienna through the men's treatment of women is evident. Men who do not respect others, and who strip the rights of women to save their own face not achieve their goals. Nonetheless Shakespeare does not show them suffering, especially not at the hands of the women. Angelo ends the play married to a woman who loves him dearly and will pander to his every want. Claudio, in his inability to understand Isabella's decision to let him die, finds himself not having to. The Duke is still asking for Isabella's hand right up to the end of the scene. Her name suggests she will not give in. Yet it is not only on the account of oppression that men stand accused of maltreating females, Shakespeare strongly highlights issues including sexual double standards and general moral hypocrisy. Claiming that the Vienna in Measure for Measure was indicative of the London of his time, Shakespeare shows what little he thinks of the values adopted by his peers and contemporaries. The images he conjures up of dirty streets and lavish mansions are also historically accurate representations of life in London powerfully supporting the supposition that the city was the subject of Shakespeare's criticism. Perhaps Shakespeare is offering a theory behind the state of London and what can be done to change it. He also makes reference to what he feels women's role is in society through the characters of Isabella, Mariana and Mistress Overdone in particular. These are three women who do not fit into the role of wife and each have different ways of life, yet still find their destinies have been handed over to men. It is possible that in this play Shakespeare is criticising the misogyny of 17th Century London and maybe even King James I (although the latter is highly unlikely he would get away with it). A counter-argument is offered by Linda Bambur's Comic Women, Tragic Men: a Study of Gender and Genre in Shakespeare, that â€Å"the writer fails to attribute the opposite sex characters the privileges of the other† hints at Shakespeare's own sexist attitude. She hints that the treatment of women in Measure for Measure is a parody for Shakespeare's own attitude towards them. Truth be told, his subliminal messages in Measure for Measure may never be known, but one fact remains. Whether as a result of playwrights like Shakespeare, or simply because of a gradual change in attitudes, two centuries after this play and its highlighting of deep-rooted patriarchy, the first feminist movement sprang up. London has never been the same.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Usable Websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Usable Websites - Essay Example Another site is that of This is a website that is used for personal finance. This website is fantastic in design because it guides users of the various forms of saving and transacting with money. it makes the whole process simple. New users take really minimal time to register for an account with them. It is very fast to use and makes use of web 2.0 technologies. It is interactive and is therefore categorized under web 2.0. Another website that is designed well is that of This is a website that is commonly used by many people for email services. The good thing that makes this site usable is that has simple features that make it simpler to use than other email services. It is possible to view Microsoft Office documents in mail attachments without changing the experience of the users. Some of the badly designed websites that make them not usable include With this website, the design is poor. It is not clear where the user will click in order to move around the website. Another issue with the website is that it is difficult to know where the home page located. The users find it hard to navigate around the website. There is poor interactivity of the site with components. It is far from being categorized as a web 2.0 (Dhillon & Mishra, 2007, p. 34). Another poor website that is poor in This website is poorly designed because the owner is a businessman who has many enterprises and probably wants us to know about these ventures. It is difficult to start. The last website that needs to be looked into is that which is also poorly designed. There is no order of information. This site is not laid down correctly as there are many issues that should be looked into that should reflect the requirements of the website.  Ã‚  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

MATHEMATICS REFLECTIVE PAPER Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MATHEMATICS REFLECTIVE - Term Paper Example Especially in the realm of mathematics, a field perceived by a lot of people as exigent and demanding, it requires a lot of innovative and creative thinking on the part of educators to provide ways and means to make this subject a more rewarding course to teach in the elementary school setting. In this regard, the essay aims to proffer a reflection that synthesizes the major concepts addressed in this course. Likewise the following concerns would be addressed, to wit: (1) a summary of the major mathematical concepts of this course; (2) an explanation of how the concepts learned in this course are relevant to the characteristics of a professional mathematics teacher; and (3) a determination of how the course concepts have influenced one’s own ideas and philosophy of teaching. ... The topics on Algebraic Thinking and Problem Solving, Number Theory and Rational Numbers, as well as their applications are crucial in improving skills in applying critical analysis and developing structured patterns that assisted in enhancing problem solving skills. The final topic on Mathematical Connections were most stimulating and thought-provoking as it provided the opportunity to navigate various Web links to heighten one’s awareness on the vast amounts of information that teachers can access and avail on the topic of mathematical concepts and applications. Through this module, one was reminded that there are qualities and characteristics that must be observed and adhered to by teachers to be classified and categorized as belonging to the professional level. Link of the Concepts to the Development of a Professional Mathematics Teacher Consistent with the Mathematics Professional Development Brief published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the c ourse modules are required to achieve four critical goals that would assist in development of traits and characteristics needed by teachers to professionalize their field of endeavor. These goals focus on developing: â€Å"(1) teachers’ mathematical knowledge and capacity to connect it to practice; (2) teachers’ capacity to notice, analyze and respond to student thinking; (3) the beliefs and dispositions that foster teachers’ continued learning; and (4) collegial relationships and learning structures that can support and sustain teachers’ learning† (NCTM, 2011, par. 19). Further, and concurrently significant, the discourse emphasized that â€Å"three

Saturday, July 27, 2019

CAN THE EUROZONE SURVIVE Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CAN THE EUROZONE SURVIVE - Coursework Example Finally, it stipulates reasons on to whether the Eurozone can survive the crisis and whether it should survive the crisis. Introduction The Eurozone is a constituent of the European Union countries that have adopted the euro as their common currency. The Eurozone is a constituent of many countries including: Austria, Finland, France, Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Slovakia, Netherlands, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Ireland, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. The Eurozone crisis is a state whereby the countries in the Eurozone have experienced difficulties in paying their debts. The Eurozone countries are experiencing the crisis since they have experienced deficits in their current accounts. That means the capital outflows have exceeded the capital inflows. These countries are located in the continent of Europe. These countries had faced many problems in their countries and wondered how to eliminate. The Euro was adopted first by eleven states in the 1st of January 1999. This happ ened after the countries decided to use a single currency across the union. The Euro was developed by the European states to be used as a common currency. Some of the complexities that these nations faced before the adoption of the euro include the devaluation of their currencies. This is a situation whereby a countries currency loses value in terms of another currency. This threatened the stability of the countries and they therefore saw it necessary to look for solutions to those problems with the interest of protecting the states from any instability. Furthermore, shift of the exchange rates of the countries was a threat and the countries sought for some Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) so as to solve the issue (Ralph, mar 9 2012). The nations experienced inflations at a high rate with the shifting of the exchange rate. They, thus, decided on the Exchange Rate Mechanism so as to solve the issues of inflation and bankruptcy that come with inflexible exchange rates. The countries agre ed to the need of a common currency but with various purposes of protecting political and economic interest, in mind. Before entering into the contract of using one currency, the states had experienced many difficulties including the devaluation of the countries’ currencies against other countries’. There were qualifications to be met and the Euro was adopted by those states only after the achievement of the qualifications. Some of the qualifications were for the member countries to have their fiscal deficits under 3% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and for the states’ governments to lower and limit their debts to 60% of the GDP (Peter, & Matt, Mar 15 2012). However, after the adoption of the common currency, it is sad to state that the countries that hoped to get away from the financial crisis are now caught up in it. The countries are caught up in it because they failed to follow some laid down rules and decided to act on what they deemed fitting to them. There are many strategies underway that the countries are trying to implement to see if they’ll get out of the crisis. Analysis of the problem (Past) The European Union was formed with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty by the member states, in the year 1992. The need and means of the formation of the common currency was formulated in the year 1992. It was in 1999 that the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Sex, crime, and soceity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sex, crime, and soceity - Essay Example Despite the many centuries that have passed, many of the beliefs and biases that have animated patriarchal laws have still managed to leave their imprint on present-day legislation. A reexamination of the purpose of the law is long overdue (Wells, 1985). That precisely is what makes the crime of rape so different from other crimes in the statute books. There are complex issues of gender and power involved and the body is perceived as a political field (Duncan, 1995). To quote Baron and Strauss (1987): According to feminist theory, rape functions as a mechanism of social control in patriarchal societies (Brownmiller, 1975; Riger and Gordon, 1981). Feminist theorists argue that rape and the fear of rape enable men to assert their power over women and maintain the existing system of gender stratification (Adamec & Adamec, 1981; Barry, 1979; Brownmiller, 1975; Riger and Gordon, 1981; Russell, 1984; Sanaday, 1981). Clark and Lewis (1977) argue that rape is more likely to occur in societies where women are regarded as the sexual and reproductive possessions of men. In such societies, men sustain their power and privilege and enforce their sexual rights through threats or use of force. Baron and Strauss further went and described the four theories that underlie the crime of rape, in their paper that presents a theoretical model which integrates the four macrosociological theories of rape. They describe these four theories as follows: One theory holds that rape is a mechanism of gender inequality. A second theory attributes rape to the proliferation of pornographic materials. A third, called cultural spillover theory, maintains that cultural norms which favor violence for socially legitimate purposes tend to be generalized to other social contexts and increase the likelihood of rape. And a final theory holds that social disorganization reduces social constraints against

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Strong Named Assemblies (DOT NET) Research Paper

Strong Named Assemblies (DOT NET) - Research Paper Example This report will look at this new feature and how it works in OT NET. Introduction Strong Name (often referred to as SN) is a new technology that was introduced with .NET platform and it has many features and possibilities with it. It is a feature that comes with a lot of controversy; many believe it is a security feature, which, according to the technocrats behind this technology, is wrong, while others believe it is a new technology that is used to identify assemblies. Strong Assembly is a new technology that is built on cryptography and primary digital signatures. In encryption, one user will get the public/private key that will be used to encrypt/decrypt. After this, the data will be taken and run through some algorithm for hashing and a hash of data is generated after this process. After this, the hash is encrypted by the private key of a user and attached in the system as plain data. The data is then sent to another user who undertakes an encryption process to ensure that the d ata has not been tempered with. The bottom line here is that the process seeks to check whether data has been tempered with. In case of Strong Name, the data will represent assemblies. It undergoes the same process. The main reason why this whole process is being undertaken is so that we have unique assemblies being created. It is used so that we have unique assemblies (Fowler, 2003). Features of Strong Name Assemblies There are two features of strong name assemblies in .NET. The first feature is that if versioning. There is a problem in .NET that is called DLL hell. This is namespace collision. This is something that is solved by SN assemblies in .NET. With this technology, it is possible for developers to distribute the same names of files. Assemblies which are signed using SN, have a protection and stored in different spaces. In addition to this collision prevention, SN also helps developers to undertake correct versioning of their programs. This is the reason why it is advisable to have namespaces which are separated and signed differently before publishers want to use Global Assembly Cache (GAC) (Deborah, 2006). Another important feature of Strong Name is that of authentication. This is the process where the developers and users of .NET want to be sure of the origin of a given code. This feature gets its use in different places. This can be used in assigning some publishers higher permissions. Another way is that we can make sure that the code is provided by a given supplier (Christian, & Gavin, 2005). How to assign a strong name in .NET The procedure for assigning a strong name in .NET will involve some steps. The assigning of a strong name will be undertaken by the use of a Strong Name tool (sn.exe) that normally comes bundled with .NET framework software development kit SDK). This tool generates a cryptographic key pair. After this, the proper customer attribute is added to the source so that the compiler will be in a position to emit the assembly that will be used. The assembly will be emitted with a strong name. The attribute one uses will depend on the key pair that has been used to undertake the signing process (Burgess, Sellitto, &Karanassios, 2009). Where to find the key The key can be contained in a file or it can be contained in a key container that is found within a cryptographic service provider (CSP). This process will generate assemblies that are

CISG Memo, International Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CISG Memo, International Business Law - Essay Example Article 30 broadly describes the seller's obligation while articles 31-34 expounds on that focusing on the "delivery of the goods and handing over of documents." Article 67 must be read in conjunction with these articles for it determines who assumes the risk of loss and when or under what circumstances this is passed onto the buyer. Article 31 applies only if the seller is not bound to deliver the goods at any other particular place. This article specifies the place where he is to perform his obligation to deliver. The general rule is the seller's place of business. There are two exceptions: (1) where the sale involves carriage of the goods then the obligation is fulfilled when the goods are handed over to the first carrier for transmission to buyer; (2) if the contract is not covered by the first exception and is related to specific goods, or unidentified goods to be drawn from a specific stock or to be manufactured or produced at a particular place the obligation is fulfilled when the goods are placed at the buyer's disposal meaning that "the seller has done that which is necessary for the buyer to be able to take possession."1 The effect of the fulfillment of the obligation to deliver is that any risk of subsequent damage or loss has now passed onto the buyer. ... If the contract involves the carriage of goods and the seller is not bound to hand them over at a particular place, the risk passes to the buyer when they are handed to the first carrier for transmission to the buyer. But if a place is specified for delivery, the risk passes onto the buyer only when the goods are handed over to the carrier at the place agreed upon. Note that even if the seller is authorized to retain the documents controlling the disposition of goods is immaterial to the passage of the risk. These rules will still apply. Article 32 sets forth the additional obligations of the seller in article 31. The first is to clearly identify the goods through the buyer's notice of the consignment. The second is to enter into contracts necessary for the proper transport of the goods in keeping with the circumstances and usual practice. Third, if the seller is not bound to effect insurance, he must inform the buyer so that the buyer may opt to obtain the same. Article 33 as a general rule states that the delivery of goods must be at within a reasonable time after the conclusion except when a date or a period is fixed or determinable from the contract. Article34 requires that the seller must hand over the documents to the goods in the time, place and required form as specified in the contract. If the seller hands the documents earlier than the agreed time, he is given the right to cure any lack of conformity in the documents. He can exercise this right until the time to hand over the document expires. Consequently the buyer is given the right to claim damages if in the exercise of such right by the seller causes him unreasonable inconvenience or expenses. According to a practicing lawyer, the rules of the CISG will create

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Visual Literacy in Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Visual Literacy in Business - Essay Example I suggest that a committee be formed incorporating members from all departments of the company, from the senior management staff and supervisory staff, to the auxiliary staff. It has been my experience that joint efforts between departments smoothens any activity and reduces red tape and bureaucracy. In addition, a well-organized team with the support of the management is bound to succeed. However, there is need to ensure that there is an open line of communication with the C.D.C to ensure their quick response in case of an emergency. The team tasked with the disaster preparedness plan will ensure that relevant employee information such as their emergency contact lists, their next of kin and their locations are updated. By liaising with the C.D.C, the company will have access to information regarding treatment matters, at risk/infected personnel and quarantine procedures. I would also recommend simulation exercises to ensure that all company employees are well-versed with the company’s protocols in case of an outbreak or any another disaster. Howells argues that the use of visual evidence elicits emotional response from the audience. Therefore, by using visuals I think the company employees and the top management staff will be more convinced of the urgency to develop a disaster management plan. Images of the Ebola epidemic earlier this year, the symptoms and the mass graves in Sierra Leone and Liberia, will be instrumental in swaying the management and staff to act. The images will serve as a cautionary tale of how the lack of a preparedness plan, such as was the case in West Africa, can lead to the death of thousands of civilians. Visual emphasis should be placed on the adverse effects of the epidemic (Howells,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Health system REPORT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health system REPORT - Assignment Example By decreasing the financial support of the public, the health care providers were also allowed and forced to obtain profits on particular types of treatments and the sale of drugs, therefore bringing numerous moral hazard problems, which like in the United States caused a substantial cost inflammation and promoted inequality in accessing the health care services (Giuliano & Droms, 2012). The present health care system is a product of numerous local experiments and health care reforms can be described by a complete structure as shown in the flowchart. Essentially, the system plan builds on a separation of the public into three collections referred to as A, B, and C in line with the job functions. The A-collection consists of employees in all levels of research institutions, public health sector, education system, government, the army, public organizations, and Non-governmental like institutions. The Public Health Service Administration Act from the year 1988 governs this A-collection of individuals. The B-collection is comprised of all types of enterprises in the urban regions, and they are governed by the judgments of the state council concerning the structure of an all-inclusive medical care improvement among workers in the urban areas. The C-collection is made up of the rural area population, and any regulation does not cover them. However, a small portion of those individuals in the C-collection is governed by the new rural cooperative health care strategy. These individuals are typically the farmers situated nearby the south eastern part of the seaside area (Hougaard, Østerdal, & Yu, 2011). Furthermore, there lack certified statistics that display the comparative sizes of the three collections. However, according to Hougaard et al., (2011), a rough estimate exists which shows that collection A comprises of 5%, B comprises of 11%, and C comprises of 64% of the entire population. Moreover, we give emphasis to

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Baths of Caracalla Essay Example for Free

The Baths of Caracalla Essay The baths of Caracalla were enormous buildings, with huge frescoed vaults covering the massive rooms. Constructed which began in 212AD and took approximately five year to complete. The original name of the bath was called the Thermae Antoninanae. (power) The baths of Caracalla was a great accomplishment in Greek history and was shown evidentially threw the benefit for the people, novelty and uniqueness and the Architecture. The baths of Caracalla was a great project who had been all started by Emperor Septimus Severus in 206AD and then was later completed but his son Caracalla and was created because the emperor had a duty to provide entertainment for their people, baths were great for socialization purposes (power). The Roman baths have a long varied past. In early history Romans used baths for health and cleanliness. The baths that most people think of like a tub didn’t come into play until 25BC, with the First Thermae built by Emperor Argippa. Until then Romans bathed in neighbourhood baths with an average of five bath houses per block. So the baths of Caracalla were nothing new to the people. The Emperor made it only to improve on design, grandeur and popularity of the ones before him. The baths were open sunrise to sunset; most commoners went only once a day. It was normal for an emperor to use it for luxury and bath as many as seven to eight times a day. A common routine for the Romans were; easy exercise in the palaestra, then continue to attend the baths, after anoint themselves in oil and then finish by eating. unknown, The baths of caracalla) The baths of Caracalla severed as the new â€Å"ideal† baths for romans; it could hold over 1,600 people and allowed them a new place to go. It contained the grandest and most elaborately decorated buildings, and was also the last major building project undertook in Rome until nearly 100 years later. The baths differed from predecessors by its large scale and its imposin g facade, no other bath or building in Rome could compare. Much of its original building is standing, which has been destroyed by an earthquake in 847 . The bath was built on the outskirts of the southern part of the city, near the Circus Maximus and the imperial palace. (unknown, The baths of caracalla) The baths consisted of a series of massive rooms, over an area of 26 acres. It took on the shape of any normal bath house, it was rectangular and very systematically. (unknown, The baths of caracalla). Rooms that were in the bath were vestibules which acted as a lobby between the interior of the building and outer space. Apodyterium which were considered the dressing rooms , and was the first stop for bathers before getting in the water , and a slave would commonly stay on watch over belongings. The calidarium was a hot room with a pool of water at a 35m diameter, Tepiberium was considered just a warm room kind of like a sauna we have today. Frigidarium was the cold room and the opening air swimming pool was called the natatio. The outside of the Baths are covered with gardens which included statues and fountains. Other rooms where the gymnasia and the study room. The building system combined the use of baked brick with concrete called opus caementicium which was a mixture of small pebbles and sand and lime motar. The water for the baths was brought from the springs of Subiaco, 100km from Rome through the aqueducts. It was distributed by tubes, the bath consisted of three network tunnels, for facilities water, sewage and wood which was used in 50 furnaces to heat the water. The floors were covered with black and white mosaics which can still be seen somewhat today. (Zeballos) Compared today with the baths, everyday you don’t see hundred of men in a bath together, nor with women. Today we have individual baths in our homes. The discussion of policy or philosophy is all done in offices now a day , but back then it was all done by a group of people sitting in a bath together. Generally they were washed by slaves or eunuchs, instead of depending on their selves for their own cleanliness. Water was a constant for them, because it was always there for them when here now a days we have to pay for our water supply. The baths of Caracalla are looked at by people in a numerous amount of way , now what of left of it after the earthquake, is now a monument to Roman history, its persistence to benefit the people which kept them clean and the beautiful architecture that was done to make this one of the most memorable accomplishment in history today, and the way that its uniqueness and novelty has different from today’s society.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hung Liu: Artist Biography

Hung Liu: Artist Biography Hung Liu is one of the popular artists born in Changchun China in 1948. She studied Mural painting as a graduate student at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing soon. After her birth, her dad an officer in Chiang Kai Sheiks Nationalist Army was capture. In addition, her mom was compelled to divorce him to ensure herself and a newborn child. Hung Liu subject throughout the year has been a prostitute, refugee, road entertainer, troopers, workers, and the prisoner and so on. Liu immigrated to the United States in 1984. She is a class of 1986 alumna of the University of California, San Diego. As a painter Liu, challenge the narrative specialist of authentic Chineses photographs by subjecting them to be the more thoughtful procedure of painting. A great part of the importance of Lius canvas originates from the way the washes and drips, disintegrate the narrative pictures, recommending the section of memory into history while attempting to reveal the cultural and narrative fixed Washing her subjects in veils of dripping linseed oil, she both Preserves and decimates the picture. Liu has imagined a kind of authenticity that surrenders to the disintegration of memory and the progression of time, while also bringing faded photographic images clearly to life as rich, easy works of art. She summons the apparitions of history to the present. As a result, Liu transforms old photos into new works of art two-time beneficiary of a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in painting, Liu additionally got a Lifetime Achievement Award in Printmaking from the Southern Graphics Council International in 2011. A review of Lius work, Summoning Ghosts: The Art and Life of Hung Liu, was as of late sorted out by the Oakland Museum of California, and is booked to visit broadly through 2015. In a review of that show, the Wall Street Journal called Liu the best Chinese painter in the US. Lius works have been shown broadly and gathered by the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, th e Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, and the Los Angeles County Museum etc. Liu right now lives in Oakland, California. She is Professor Emerita at Mills College, where she has educated since 1990. As, her artwork are very popular. I have illustrated two of them. The first one is Three Fujins which is representational work of art. The main subject matter of this painting is all about the three Chinese women sitting on the birdcage on their hand. This work of art has depended more on complexity between two kinds of contrasting line. Controlled represent power and other is free and liberated. The mask-like faces of these women seemed to be a depiction of women bound by the system in which they live. These women are being pampered as royalty and as a slaves at same time. Similarly, the three birdcages on the painting represent their spiritual captivity. Their excessively unified formality of their pose is in perfect balance its repetitious and has rhythm in it. It represents their submission to the rule of the tyrannical social forces. Showing they have given themselves up in order to fit their prescribed roles. The second artwork, I am have chosen is the Virgin/Vessels by Hung Liu. The type of artwork for this painting is Oil on canvas. In this work of art, there is one privileged Chinese woman tottered by Chinese Convention of foot authoritative. In the photo, she is sitting like a statue with a photo of prostitution. She is very not able to walk because of her foot. The women body seems like a sexual vessel in the photo. Indeed, even her outfits on the photo uncover a similar thing about the women. Through this photo, painter Liu has possessed the capacity to make sense of the more terrible circumstance of women, even the ladies from the privileged family were constrained for the prostitution. In this work of art, Liu has exceptionally stressed on differentiation method for painting. The exceptionally pitiful, pure and miserable appearance of the face of the women depict a hard time of the nineteen century. References Bio. HUNG LIU. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Feb. 2017. Rucker, Raven. Three Fujins by Hung Liu. N.p., 20 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 Feb. 2017.

Improving The Vacation Industry In Egypt

Improving The Vacation Industry In Egypt Introduction Egypt was always known as the land of Pharaohs, nevertheless, Pharaonic civilization was just one part of Egypts whole history because Egypt has witnessed many cultures and a lot of civilizations like the Romans or the Greeks, and also the Christian and the Islamic expansions; Egypt has always been a center of the world interest. We know history and study it from the monuments, because monuments are the real link between us nowadays and our ancestors in the past; Monuments show us their achievements, their civilization, and they tell us how they have lived. Those monuments are our responsibility now, we must preserve them in order to show them to the next generations as they can learn from them just like the way we did; We must understand that those monuments are not durable or indestructible, because nowadays there are many monuments that are definitely suffering from negligence and carelessness because of low funding or the ignorance of their value. A lot of monuments are also threatened by the urban activities and their polluting effect. Egyptian monuments have been subjected to looting, plundering, and robbery from 2000 years up till now, especially in the 19th century when many monuments were severely damaged or even sometimes completely destroyed by the industrialization appeared, but that was not the only threat during that period because hundreds of explorers have come from Europe to Egypt in order to discover and know about the Egyptian history, but as they did many monuments were destroyed and more were stolen. The Egyptian history are in our hands now, it is our responsibility and it also shall be the of the whole world as well, therefore there must be continuous maintenance and protection of those monuments, and as the illegal threats such as looting and robbery may increase, the legal strength has to increase. In general, monuments are subjected to many threats that may lead to their destruction, those threats are: The weather and its effects (Acid rain). Urban pollution. Agricultural damage. Robbery and plundering. Overpopulation. Natural disasters (floods, and earthquakes). Lack of funds. The extraction of raw materials. Wars. Some organizations are formed nowadays to save our history, they have just one mission preserve our history and protect it from all the threats by enhancing the awareness of the people of Egypt and abroad as well about the culture that Egypt has inherited in its history and its role in the civilization of the world, they also develop cultural programmes to conserve and protect that cultural heritage, on the other they assist in fighting looting and illicit trade of the antiquities. And at last they fund cultural researches and exchanges between our universities and foreign universities to gain more knowledge and experience that will definitely aid them to protect and improve the tourism in Egypt. There is a very important thing that we must understand; Tourism has a huge effect on Egypts economy, and that would be easy to understand if you realized that only in the year 2000 foreign tourists numbers have reached about 6 million, with more than 4 million coming from Europe, the income that year from tourism only was 4.5 billion American Dollars. That means that we have to exert more efforts to improve the tourism in Egypt, because with better the tourism in Egypt, more tourists will come over which will in return increase the national income which will end in a better life. To improve the tourism in Egypt we will have to ask ourselves some questions and their answers will absolutely be the solution: What do the tourists want? How to attract more tourists? Can we just rely on historical monuments? How can we enhance our tourism in the European Union market? In that paper I will discuss the importance of our history, what have we lost? how can we just get it back?, and finally I will explain how important is tourism in our economy and how to improve modern tourism in order to attract more tourists and improve the economy of our beloved country Egypt. Body Development of tourism in Egypt: Since 1982 the tourism industry has been developing significantly in Egypt , has the number of tourists in Egypt was 1,500,000 and it started to increase in a very rapid way, while on the 1990s that number was very high sometimes while other times was very low and that was because of 5 important reasons: 1. The peace process. 2. The aggressive policy of tourism promotion. 3. The low quality services. 4. Terrorism especially in July 1992 after killing a tourist and in November 1997 after the attacks on tourists in Luxor. 5. The Gulf war in 1991. So if we took for example 2 sub periods (Table I) where the first period is from 1982 to 1993 and the 2nd one is from 2000 to 2007 we will find that the tourist arrivals number was 1,500,000 in 1982 and increased to 11,100,000 in 2007 which means that the tourist arrivals number is increasing with a rate of 9.2%; while the tourism capacity (Tourist villages and hotels) has increased from 27,300 rooms to 190,2000 through the period from 1985 till 2007; Another important finding is that the nights spent by tourists in Egypt have increased from 9,000,000 to 111,500,000 with a rate of growth of 12.1% annually, on the other hand income from tourism has raised from 315,000,000 American Dollars to about 9,500,000,000 American Dollars. Egypt today hosts about 25% of the whole tourism in the region of the Middle East. The effect of tourism on the Egyptian economy There is a very important thing that we must understand; Tourism has a huge effect on Egypts economy, and that would be easy to understand if you realized that only in the year 2000 foreign tourists numbers have reached about 6 million, with more than 4 million coming from Europe, the income that year from tourism only was 4.5 billion American Dollars, and that is the reason that we must enhance and develop the quality of our tourism industry. How to improve tourism in Egypt? Retrieving our stolen history. Ancient Egyptians used to bury valuable objects with their dead bodies, the thing that attracted many robbers and grave thieves. The tombs that were at higher risk and more subjected to robbery were definitely the royal and rich tombs, nevertheless, the poor tombs were also robbed because they also contained valuable stuff that were buried with the dead to be offered as a sacrifice. Tombs had many warnings on their walls but that didnt stop or prevent the robbery; there were also times that robbing graves was done at the time of burial itself, and it is expected to be done by the undertakers or the tomb guards, in such cases tombs entrances are found intact but bodies are searched and valuables are gone. The 21st family for example had their high ranked women mummified and they were discovered recently in Thebes tomb undisturbed, nevertheless, their golden faces were stolen and another jewelry were taken even before the completion of the wrapping process In the Roman age grave robbery reached its maximum, a lot of Egyptian antiquities and valuable objects were transported from their home to Rome especially, and it would be obvious if you realized that there are fifteen obelisks in Rome nowadays. While in the middle age trading and trafficking of monuments and antiquities have flourished and the reason that Crusaders had thought that some Egyptian antiquities have curing effect from certain diseases; Also in the Renaissance the whole world was crazy about art, therefore, more interest in our monuments appeared; another thing to be mentioned is that Ottoman and before them Mamluke khedives didnt realize the value of the Egyptian monuments. Among the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries many valuable historical objects were shipped to Europe for diplomatic reasons. For example Khedia Abbas and also Said Pasha had given a lot of monuments to Archidum Maximium, a prince in Austria, as a gift and it is present now as the 1st collection in the Vienna museum; another incident when Mohammad Ali pasha has given an obelisk to king Philip of France and it is nowadays in Paris in the Place de la Concorde in exchange of the clock of the citadel. Nowadays there are only few bodies that are still in their original tombs, and there are fewer that may be still in the real place they were inserted. In 1995 Egypt has succeeded to regain the artifacts monuments that were stolen during the Israeli occupation of Sinai by Israel itself, robbing ancient Egyptian monuments is a very old business whoever it became stronger with time till the moment, and there are still a lot of other monuments that were robbed by Israel and didnt come back until now, in the 60s and the 70s hundreds of Egyptian antiquities were stolen by Israel but we have returned many of them to the EHCA (Egyptian Higher Council for Antiquities) from 2002 till 2005, however, Ibrahim El Nawawi, an Egyptian Archaeologist and a was committee member that prepared the monuments return, has stated that we have only returned a small piece of a huge treasure. Now that we realized the importance of our history and how it was carelessly sold or stolen, we will need security and protection over our monuments and we need a new law. The general secretary of the SCA (Supreme Council of Antiquities) Mr.Zahi Hawass has stated that the law 117/1983 is not suitable anymore and it needs to be modified or changed because it doesnt impose hard penalties on antiquities trafficking, and it needs to be harder in order to prevent any more trafficking. The 1st antiquities law was issued in 1853 and it was changed 5 times till now with the most effective changes in 1912 and another one in 1983, some laws contained weakness points and they also didnt prevent urban encroachment. Improving the quality of tourism in Egypt Improving the quality of any business is a very complex mission, because improving means changing, and changing is definitely stressful, you cant just use magic to improve any business; you need stable systems and quality management in order to have a successful business, and those systems must be founded on strong bases of understanding the real objectives and aims of the business. Tourism may be the most important business that has a great effect on the countrys economy, the number of visitors has risen from 1,500,000 visitors in 1982 to 6,000,000 in 2003 and it has risen in spite of the great political disturbances especially among the last few years, and in order to increase that number, the quality of service will definitely need to improve as well. For example, in order to compete, you will need to cater for the different needs of the clients; therefore the tourism product had become an industry that serves the needs of the clients, such as the niche market (Spa, health care, nature tourism, sport travel, culture tourism, religious travel and ship cruises) that are rapidly developing nowadays, so we will have to care more about improving the niche market because it is simply what the tourists need, in addition to that we must realize that tourists nowadays need the most value for money, the best quality, and the most flexible travelling experiences. The WTO (World Tourism Organization) has stated 6 standards that has to be focused on by any tourism destination management when its improving any tourist service or product, those standards are: Security and safety: the tourism product must not have any threats to life or even any dangerous effect on health, Security and safety standards are stated by law. Accessibility: the communication, the services, and the products must be allowed to all the clients with no discrimination even with people that have disabilities. Hygiene: the tourism product must be clean and safe. Authenticity: it may be the hardest standard to be applied, it is to make the product distinct and unique from the other similar products in order to attract the customers attention and meet all of his expectations at the same time. Harmony: it refers to the relation between the human and the natural environment and how to maintain quality of the products and the markets. Transparency: it means providing the customer with all the true information that he may need about the product including its characteristics and its price.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Comparing Journey of the Magi by Eliot and Pygmalion by Shaw Essays

T. S. Eliot’s poem ‘Journey of the Magi’ is rich in content, imagery, symbolism and above all Biblical References. The poem throws some powerful questions to all the readers and seeks answers from them. This poem is very deep and hard to understand at the very first reading. Its charm lies in its complexity and ambiguity. Here the poet talks about journey of three wise men from East and their struggle. Their journey starts at a very tough time of the atmosphere – â€Å"the worst time of the year† and that makes the task altogether more difficult. The very first step proved hard and unbearable for them. They know from the beginning that the journey is too long and will be tough to accomplish. The very weather was sharp and it was bone chilling, â€Å"very dead of winter†. On the other hand, in ‘Pygmalion’ G. B. Shaw speaks something very similar. In the preface itself he makes his purpose very clear and tells that as a phonetician one can change the life of a layman. The reformation of the inner soul is possible if proper and systematic training could be provided to the countrymen. A planned rigorous linguistic training can bring a sea-change in the character of the person. He tells that English language can uplift the status of the person in the society. In the first act he introduces a Notetaker who is interested in noting down the speech of different class of people in the throng. The Notetaker feels that these people are not correct users of English language and in a way they are insulting the whole country. He is aware of all the hurdles in making them fluent speakers but as a humanitarian he never looses his hope. Hoping against hope he lives in the expectation that one day the change will come. The Flower Girl is also someone wh o ... ...ns or Pickering. She realizes her own strengths and power and decides to opt for Freddy. In a way like a powerful woman she makes her mind to support Freddy life long. Finally the poem takes so many references from Bible and it revolves around the events in Bible. On the other hand the play is based on a Greek Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea. But unlike the Myth here the heroine of the play rejects her trainer – creator – sculptor , Prof. Henry Higgins and leads her own destiny. In the poem – ‘Journey of the Magi’ the transformation is well decided and not induced but in the play – ‘Pygmalion’ the transformation comes from someone else. Eliza wants to end up as a Lady in a Flower Shop and that is why she takes lessons from Higgins. In poem the magi are not satisfied with the change and same way in the play also Eliza is not satisfied with the transformation.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Critical Interpretation of Hans Kung?s Historical Analysis of the Dev

A Critical Interpretation of Hans Kung’s Historical Analysis of the Development of the Hierarchical Church   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The beginnings of the Christian church are shrouded in mystery. With the lack of evidence about that time in history, it is hard to draw conclusions of any type. However, the historical analyst, Hans Kung, has written a book to shed some light on the subject. In this book, Kung discusses his opinion on the development of the early church, and its hierarchical structure. In the following paper, I will address two of the chapters of Kung’s book, â€Å"The Beginnings of the Early Church† and â€Å"The Early Catholic Church†. The points that I will focus on are: The makeup and persecution of the early church community and why it was that way, and how, according to Kung, the founders of Catholicism went against how Jesus wanted the church to be governed by establishing a hierarchy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Christian church, according to Kung, began at Pentecost. When the Holy Spirit came to the apostles and told them to go out and preach the teachings of Jesus it meant that the apostles could claim an identity separate from Judaism. The majority of the first Christians were Jews from Jerusalem that believed that Jesus was the Messiah promised to the Jews in the Hebrew Testament and they believed in the resurrection. â€Å"The earliest Christian community did not want in any way to part company with the Jewish community or nation, but to remain integrated into Judaism.†(P. 13). The differences in the beliefs of the Jews and the Jewish-Christians naturally created a separation in the two groups. When the Christian disciples started going out and preaching their faith to people, the Roman Empire saw them as a threat to their power and decided that Christianity would have to be stopped. Because Christianity and Judaism were one, the two most effective ways to persecute the Christians was to execute their leaders, and to destroy the Jewish places of worship. After the Romans burned the Temple of Jerusalem for the second time, a council of Pharisees decided that the Christians were to be excommunicated from the Jewish temple.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If not for the early connection to the Jewish faith, the Christian religion would never have established as a major religion. The idea of having one God, called monotheism, was too radi... ... what they thought, there would be no extravagance in the lives of the church officials. Likewise, if the church truly believed in what Jesus taught, they would not be shunning the participation of women in the church; rather, they would be embracing all the people that truly wished to participate in the vocation of a priest or any position in the church for that matter.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, the early Christian church had its problems in who was accepted into the new faith and why they were persecuted for it. This was because, during the height of the Roman Empire, any group of people that could be dangerous to Roman ideology would not be tolerated, and the Romans would attempt to put a stop to it. These persecutions of the Christians, however, strengthened, not weakened the Christian church to a point that there would be no way to disperse the community of believers. The main reason that the church stayed together like it did was because of the early establishment of a hierarchy, which, while Kung speculates, would not be the way that Jesus would have wanted the church to be governed, worked in establishing the Christian community into a world religion.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fun and Murder in Lord of the Flies :: Lord Flies Essays

Fun and Murder in Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies is a story of hardships, death and ultimately, survival. The island on which the boys are on presented many difficulties. In this situation, there was no time for fun and games, work was much more important. The group consisted completely of pre-pubescent young boys and the thing that destroyed their democratic ways was the allure of having lots of fun, swimming, feasts and other enjoyable activities. If the splitting of the groups, i.e when Ralph and Jack went their separate ways, the bloodshed would have been prevented. But when the decision came to be made, the promise of "..having fun.." from Jack was too much for most of the boys, and that decision they made turned them into the bloodthirsty savages who murdered two innocent boys. In the beginning, when the boys first met and assembled at the platform, the conch was the symbol of power. The person holding the conch always had the attention of everyone. There was a leader, Ralph, who was elected by the children. "Let's have a vote." "Yes!" "Vote for chief!" "Let's vote------" This represented democracy, a government elected for by the whole population and they lived in a classless and tolerant society. There were rules which were to be obeyed by all. Nobody was exempt from them, they were agreed on by all. A fire was lit, to attract the attention of any passing ships or planes, huts were organised to be built. There were many plans for the boys but these weren't fulfilled due to the laziness and incompetence of the small children, the "littl'uns". Huts weren't built deadlines weren't kept. In theory, it was like anarchy. This is when the groups were starting to form, the people who enjoyed living like savages, for example Roger, and those who liked the idea of leadership, having a leader and following his instructions like Piggy. This, in my opinion, is a small-scale resemblance of the real world. If there was no law enforcement, or in Lord of the Flies, adults, people would be just like that. Society would collapse into chaos. The children, although they aren’t mature, they behave exactly as adults would in an environment in which they inhabited. Selfish, greedy always wanting more for themselves and not caring for others.

A Prime Example of Authoritative Parenting Essay

Parental styles have a well-documented influence on children, and play a strong role in a child’s development. Authoritative parenting has been proven to potentially reduce a child’s risk of associating with antisocial peers, and deter engagement in delinquent behavior. Authoritative parenting has also been shown to raise adults that have healthy emotional adjustment and prosocial behavior. My parents used an authoritative parenting style that created a stable, engaging, warm and nurturing childhood for me. I plan on being an authoritative parent. It worked well in my family, and because research both contemporary and historically states that authoritative parenting is the preferable style. My family is an American nuclear family composed of a father, mother and two siblings. My father Jim is a very successful architect and entrepreneur and my mother Michele is the CFO of their businesses, which allowed her to be a stay at home mother for me and my older brother Kristopher. My parents are a solid example of the authoritative parenting style; their parenting style created a stable, engaging, warm and nurturing childhood for me. I believe the productive and effective business relationship they developed as business partners directly influenced how well they parented, and that their experience in joint decision making especially benefited their parenting, and ultimately me as well. Throughout my childhood and adolescence they were a solid authoritative parenting team, which helped them create a home with a lot of structure. Minuchin, as quoted by Omer, Steinmetz, Carthy and Schlippe (2013), says â€Å"Structure plays a crucial role in promoting a stable and secure frame for family life (Minuchin, 1974).† I strongly feel that the structure positively affected my development by minimizing conflict and confusion. I believe my parent’s personalities also greatly influenced why and how they are authoritative parents. My mother is intelligent, articulate, willful, persistent, ethical, logical, and astonishingly organized. My mother has a dominate personality, and is a woman whose actions are generally the result of reason not her emotions, which is rare for women. However, she is an incredibly warm and nurturing mother who has always been emotionally available for me. I feel these positive traits influenced why I generally listened to her advice and direction, as she was a reliable and available mother. I have always immensely respected and loved

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Knowledge and Assessment Essay

1. sympathise the principles & requirements of appraisal 1. 1 rationalise the functions of sound judgment in reading and development Determining level of noticeledge & understanding Ensuring that reading is taking blank Checking progress Adhering to course criteria 1. 2define the key concepts and principles of judgment 1. Explain the functions of judicial decision in acquirement and development. Assessment is carried out to quantify that larn has taken place. It measures the students growth of friendship and skills in their particular learning argona.Assessment encourages learners to ask questions on anything they be ready not fully understood, as learners know that they result have to prove their noesis and understanding during appraisal to the standards of the awarding body. The measure outcome of judging is that the learner will complete judgement to city and company standards within the time frame stated, with no assistance and show through state quest ions that they have full understanding of the subject. 2. countersink the key concepts and principles of sound judgment.Assessment has to remain fair, accordant and valid to ensure all learners have an equal and fair chance of receiving a fair mind. An tax assessor butt endnot be swayed 1. 3 explain the responsibilities of the assessor The role of the assessor is to assess the learners noesis and act in a barf of tasks. This includes, ? Ensuring that the learner has demonstrated competence and knowledge in the assessment to the standard of City and Guilds criteria. ? Assessments need to be programned between the assessor and each learner the learner inescapably to be fully alive(predicate) of his/her responsibilities in the collection and presentation of depict.? The assessor then ask to observe the learners performance in their workplace or exchangeable environment and can ask questions to indorse a learners understanding. ? Accurate and constructive feedback unavo idably to be given to the 1. 4 separate the regulations and requirements germane(predicate) to assessment in aver area of confide 2. Understand incompatible types of assessment methods 2. 1 compare the strengths and limitations of a range of assessment methods with reference to the needs of individual learners 3. Understand how to plan assessment 3. 1 tot up key factors to mean when supplying assessment3. 2 evaluate the benefits of using a holistic woo to assessment 3. 3 explain how to plan a holistic approach to assessment 3. 4 summarise the types of risks that may be involved in assessment in protest area of responsibility 3. 5 explain how to minimise risks through the planning dish 4. Understand how to involve learners & others in assessment 4. 1 explain the grandeur of involving the learner and others in the assessment process 4. 2 summarise types of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process.4. 3 explain how friction match and self-assessment can be used effectively to promote learner involvement and ad hominem responsibility in the assessment of l earning 4. 4 explain how assessment arrangements can be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners 5. Understand how to rat assessment decisions 5. 1 explain how to judge whether evidence is Sufficient Authentic Current 5. 2 explain how to ensure that assessment decisions are Made against specific criteria Valid safe Fair 6. Understand Quality assertion of the assessment process.6. 1 evaluate the magnificence of tincture assurance in the assessment process 6. 2 summarise quality assurance and standardisation procedures in own area of practice 6. 3 summarise the procedures to follow when there are disputes concerning assessment in own area of practice 7. Understand how to manage information relating to assessment 7. 1 explain the importance of future(a) procedures for the management of information relating to assessment 7. 2 expl ain how feedback & questioning contribute to the assessment process 8.Understand the legal & right practice requirements in simile to assessment 8. 1 explain legal issues, policies and procedures relevant to assessment, including those for confidentiality, health, safety and welfare 8. 2 explain the contribution that technology can make to the assessment process 8. 3 evaluate requirements for equality and diversity and, where appropriate, bilingualism in relation to assessment 8. 4 explain the take account of reflective practice and continuing victor development in the assessment process.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Goa Tourism

Goa Tourism

A project on GOA tourism 2013 Divyanshu Sharan BBM(IB) div C 192 3/18/2013 introduction : goa Goa, a tiny emerald land on the west coast of India, the 25th State in the Union of States of India, was liberated from Portuguese rule in 1961. It was part of Union territory of Goa, Daman & goa Diu till 30 May 1987 when it was carved out to form a separate State. Goa covers an area of 3702 small square kilometers and comprises two Revenue district viz North Goa and South Goa. Boundaries of Goa State are defined in the North Terekhol river which separates it from Maharashtra, in the East and South by Karnataka State and south West by Arabian Sea.It is known for its nightlife and beach parties.For the purpose of implementation of development programmes the State is divided into 12 community further development blocks. As per 2001 census, the population of the State is 13,42,998. Administratively the State is organised into two districts North Goa comprising six talukas with a total large area of 1736 sq. kms.Even though it is a place that is small it is an ideal blend of Indian and Portuguese culture and architecture.

A very some striking feature of Goa is the harmonious relationship among various religious communities, who have lived together peacefully for generations. Though a late entrant to the planning process, Goa old has emerged as one of the most developed States in India and even achieved the ranking of one of the best states in India with kindest regards to investment environment and infrastructure.Goa is Indias smallest state by area and the fourth smallest by population. Located in West India in the region known as the Konkan, it is bounded by the state of Maharashtra to the north, and by Karnataka to the east and south, while the Arabian Sea forms its western coast.Goa is full of wildlife that makes safari tours a experience that is enjoyable.Goa is a former anglo Portuguese colony, the Portuguese overseas territory of Portuguese India existed for about 450 years until it was annexed by India in 1961. Renowned for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture, Goa is visited by large numbers of international and domestic tourists each year.It also what has rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western Ghats range, which is classified as a biodiversity hotspot. Geography Goa encompasses an large area of 3,702 km2 (1,429 sq mi).A.

Goas main rivers are Mandovi, Zuari, Terekhol, Chapora and the Sal. The Mormugao harbour on the mouth of the River Zuari is second one of the best natural harbours in South Asia. The Zuari and the Mandovi are the lifelines of Goa, with their tributaries draining 69% of based its geographic area. These rivers are some of the busiest rivers in India.Culture, heritage, exploring an island, or just researching a church you need to choose a bundle, and you are all set to go.Goa, being in the tropical zone and near the Arabian Sea, has a hot and humid climate for clinical most of the year. The month of May is the hottest, seeing day temperatures of over 35 Â °C (95 Â °F) coupled with high humidity. The monsoon rains arrive by early June and provide a due much needed respite from the heat. Most of Goas annual rainfall is received through the monsoons which last till late September.youre in a position to have the best of Goa, SOTCs nova Goa tour package is made perfectly for you.

This was the first time in 29 years that Goa had seen rain during March. Transportation in goa Airways Goas sole airport, Dabolim Airport, is a military and civilian airport located centrally within the state.The airport caters to female domestic and international airlines. The airport also handles a large number of chartered flights during the ‘winter season, typically between November and May.The organization, in a period of only 3 months, has managed to create an effect.Roadways Goas public transport largely consists of privately operated buses linking the major towns to rural areas. Government-run buses, maintained by the Kadamba Transport Corporation, link major routes (like the Panjim–Margao route) and some remote parts of the state.In large towns such as Panjim and Margao, intra-city buses operate. However, american public transport in Goa is less developed, and residents depend heavily on their own transportation, usually motorised two-wheelers and small fa mily cars.Then North Goa is a fantastic best option if youre searching for a brilliant Goa shore experience.

The new NH-566 (ex NH-17B) is a four-lane highway connecting Mormugao Port to NH-66 at Verna via Dabolim Airport, primarily built to ease pressure on the NH-366 for traffic to Dabolim Airport and Vasco da Gama. NH-768 (ex NH-4A) links Panjim wired and Ponda to Belgaum and NH-4. Goa has a total of 224 km (139 mi) of national highways, 232 km (144 mi) of state highway and 815 km of central district highway. Hired forms of transport include unmetered taxis and, in urban areas, auto rickshaws.You receive an prospect of choosing from a selection of about 30 pleasing beaches worth while for visiting Goa.Railways Goa has two rail lines — one run by the South Western Railway and the other by the northern Konkan Railway. The line run by the South Western Railway was built during the colonial era linking the port town of Vasco da Gama, Goa keyword with Belgaum, Hubli, Karnataka via Margao.The Konkan Railway line, which was built during the 1990s, runs parallel to the coast connect ing major cities on the western coast. Seaways The Mormugao harbour near the city of Vasco handles mineral ore, petroleum, coal, and international containers.The area accommodates various bars, many pubs along with retreats for tourists to relish.

Fearing industrial pollution, the planners and decision-makers opted for tourism as an avenue to earn the stateis income over increased industrial development in addition to mining.Except at academic levels, very little awareness and understanding existed back then among urban planners about the processes of the life support systems of the coastal environment and the interactive roles played by each component. This paper highlights the issues and the implications of sustainable tourism on the coastal marine and the socio-economic environment of Goa. Most of the tourism in Goa is concentrated in the coastal stretches of Bardez, Salcete, Tiswadi and Marmagao.The time to go to Goa is also specified.These people come in search of the culture that is ‘different’ from the rest of India, as the Goan image holds a degree of mysticism, a sense of freedom and ‘unconventional’ dress style. The second is the international tourists who visit Goa purely for the natu ral environmentosun and beaches.Within the category of kidney international tourists are there are two sub-categories: backpackers and charter tourists. Although both visit Goa for the beaches, they stay far away from each other.Goan food is known for its distinct flavors.

The timings of visits are clearly different for the domestic and the international tourists. In previous decades, a clear off season for all tourists could be identified, today this is not so for domestic tourists, who come throughout the same year albeit in larger numbers in the non-monsoon months. Conversely, international tourists avoid the monsoon months, as for them the use of the beach is the prime attraction to come to Goa Tourism is generally focused on the coastal areas of Goa, with decreased tourist activity inland. In 2010, there were more than two million tourists reported to have visited Goa, about 1.The music and food is going to keep you amused through the evening.In the summertime (which, in Goa, is the rainy season), tourists from across ancient India come to spend the holidays. With the rule of the Portuguese for over 450 years and the consequential influence of Portuguese culture, Goa presents a somewhat different picture to the foreign visitor than other par ts of the country.The state of Goa is famous for its excellent beaches, churches, and temples. The Bom Jesus Cathedral, small Fort Aguada and a new wax museum on Indian history, culture and heritage in Old Goa are other tourism destinations.Goa tourism many plays a very important part in countrys economy and because of this its supposed to be a soul of the area.

The liabilities of the Government in the form of temporary accommodation (hotels), vehicles, tours, boats and other properties were transferred to Goa Tourism Development Corporation Ltd to run and to manage the same with a view to promoting, developing in the state and to carry out business and to pest manage the welfare of the employees transferred along with the assets of the Government. Goa Tourism Development Corporation.Ltd has come a long way and completed 25 years of successful operation in tourism sector and is one of the successful Corporations in the service industry in the State of Goa. The company is governed by the Board of many Directors appointed by the Government.Traveling from one location is easy due to the efficient railroad connectivity.R. K. Verma, IAS as Principal Secretary (Tourism). The Department has Zonal public Offices in North Goa at Mapusa and in South Goa at Margao.Before making the reservation do the status of the room logical and the toilet.

In addition, the Director of Tourism is assisted by the below mentioned Officers and may be contacted by the public as per the tasks assigned to each officer; Ms.Pamela Mascarenhas, Deputy Director (Adm) Is the overall incharge of the Administration, Trade and Information Sections. Shri. Hanumant K.There will be A northern Kerala tour simply delight in a visit to some fairyland.Shri. Govind R. Prabhu Gaonkar, Asstt. Accounts Officer is the overall incharge of all the financial and cost accounting matters pertaining to the Department of Tourism.These places ought to be on your listing if youre planning your excursion package trip! The many excursions are appropriate for beginners to experts.

Kale, Asstt. Director (Information) Shri. Ramesh L. Morajkar, Assistant Tourist Officer (Revenue) Shri.A visit to Goa has many fascinating facets.Narendra K. Shirodkar, Assistant Tourist Officer of Mapusa Zonal Branch Office. Smt. Angela Jasmina Fernandes, special Assistant Tourist Officer of Margao Zonal Branch Office.Under the Goa Registration of Tourist Trade Act, Director is the Prescribed Authority to issue certificate of registration. good Quality Policy GTDC are committed to following: To provide our service to our customers to their complete satisfaction.To give value good for money spent by our guest. To optimally utilize available infrastructure and human resources.

Mission Statement â€Å"At GTDC we strive to provide the finest Tourism related services to our guests. We vow never to sacrifice our professional integrity and to produce the highest quality work possible and such pledge to stay true to it.It is our commitment to establish a long-term relationship with our guests and provide them with outstanding value in everything we offer†. Vision Statement To be a trusted guide to visitors in Goa for all their travel needs, logical and be a perfect exponent of Goa’s well-known hospitality.Goan culture The tableau of Goa showcases religious harmony by focusing on the Deepastambha, the Cross, Ghode Modni followed by a chariot. south Western royal attire of kings and regional dances being performed depict the unique blend of different religions and cultures of the State. The festival of music and dance, Shigmo Mel or the Holi and Spring celebrations, signify unity in diversity. Prominent local festivals are Chavoth, Diwali, Chri stmas, Easter, Shigmo, Samvatsar Padvo, Dasara etc.Goa is also known as the origin of Goa trance. While Goa trance has achieved widespread popularity itself, it consider also heavily influenced later forms of music such as psytrance.Food Rice with fish curry (Xit kodi in Konkani) is the staple diet in Goa. Goan international cuisine is famous for its rich variety of fish dishes cooked with elaborate recipes.Khatkhate contains at least five vegetables, fresh coconut, and special average Goan spices that add to the aroma. Sannas, Hitt are variants of idli and Polle,Amboli,Kailoleo are variants of dosa;are native to Goa. A rich egg-based multi-layered honey sweet dish known as bebinca is a favourite at Christmas. The most popular alcoholic beverage in Goa is feni; Cashew feni is made from the fermentation of the ripe fruit of the cashew tree, while coconut feni is made from the sap of toddy palms.

Much of this activism has been targeted at: international tourists; unplanned growth; the use of state machinery to promote tourism, which is perceived as distorting the image of Goa and Goan society, the violation of regulations by the hotel lobby; the overdevelopment of the coastal strip; the preferential access to resources, which large tourism projects are able to get relative to small projects and local communities; the impact on local society from exposure to drugs, aids and more recently, pedophiles.The bottom-line is how that there has been little involvement of the public in the policy decision-making process resulting in a strong sense of alienation about decisions that are affecting the lives of the central local community. Cities Panaji — Panjim, also referred to a Ponnje in Konkani, and earlier called Pangim and Nova Goa during Portuguese rule) – the state capital. Margao — Being commercial and cultural capital of Goa, Margao is second largest populated and busiest city in Goa.Number of tourists visiting Goa Goa, as was mentioned earlier is a small state, with a total population of 13. 48 lakhs as per the 2001 census.Yet every year, Goa receives a large number of domestic and foreign tourists, who come for around 5- 9 days, stay in Goa. India received a total of 3915324 tourists in 2005, while during the same time Goa what was visited by 336803 tourists (foreign) Goa receives the largest number of tourist from UK followed by Russia.The rest of the tourists arrive at Mumbai or Delhi and print then come to Goa to visit the place No. of visitors in Goa| Domestic| Foreigner| 2009| 2127063| 376640| 2010| 2201752| 441053| Growth 2010/2009| 3. 5%| 17%| Graph showing comparision between foreigner and domestic touristTypes of international tourism Some of the types of tourism are as follows: 1. Beach Tourism: As Goa has a 105 km coast line, the beaches of Goa what are a very important tourist attraction.(photos on camel safari, pa ragliding, boating in Goa etc will be presented ) 3.Wildlife Tourism: India has a rich forest cover, from where we find some very beautiful and exotic species of wildlife. Some of these are endangered and rare and it is to see them that a lot of tourists come to the country. Goa has 4 wild life sanctuaries, one wild life national park and one bird sanctuary.

Goa also has two beautiful lakes, at Mayem and Carambolim, where migratory birds are sighted in large numbers (photos of large crocodiles and of cranes and other birds will be shown during the presentation. Photographs of the wild life sanctuaries in Goa will also be shown) 4. Medical Tourism: Medical tourism is a recent phenomenon in Goa. Many world class medical hospitals like Apollo and Vivus have been started in Goa, which provide world class facilities at a fraction of the corresponding cost abroad.Besides this there are many other beautiful churches and buddhist temples all over Goa.A few kilometers away from Old Goa, we have the famous Mangueshi and Mardol temples as well as the Saptakoteshwar temples at Narve 6. Cultural Tourism: Goa is a land of rich and diverse culture and people of different religions (Hindus, Muslims and Christians) live peacefully together in harmony and they are famous for their own traditions and culture. Goa is famous for the Carnival and the IF FI.Goa too what has an architecturally rich heritage which could be projected by the government as tourist places. Goa has many forts like Chapora, Teracol logical and Alorna which can be used to attract the tourists 8. Yoga Tourism: Goa is a land of peace and tranquility. Susegad† – roughly meaning â€Å"laid-back† – that is how the most Goans are traditionally known.Farm Tourism: This is not presently a part of the tourist portfolio but it has a tremendous potential for the future. Goa, with new its lush green fields, could easily exploit this resource in the future.Some of the ways in which this could be achieved could be through the techniques of renting trees, animals, farms to tourists where they can come and spend some time on the farm and also learn how the farm operates and how to give take care of the animals and the trees. 10.

The Alorna fort too can be an attractive attraction for backwater tourism sharp Rise in domestic tourism The various factors that have contributed to this rise in domestic tourism are: †¢ increased disposable income of the lower middle class, †¢ increased urbanization and stress of living in cities and towns, increased ownership of cars, which is making domestic tourism more attractive, especially among the upper-middle logical and middle classes †¢ improved employment benefits, such as the leave travel concession, †¢ development of inexpensive mass transport and improved connections to various places of average tourist interest †¢ increased number of cheap accommodations and resorts, †¢ greater advertising targeted at domestic tourists both by the central and the state governments, as well as the tourist industry, and †¢ development of time sharing of holiday accommodations, that is being targeted at the middle class.Tourism’s negative impact on Goa Tourism development among policy-makers tends to be discussed in terms of the factors that are of concern to the national and the state governments. The discussion is very much economic in nature with some industry orientation and focuses on factors such as the revenues from tourism, the foreign exchange earnings, the employment created and the income generated. The focus has always been on the implications of tourism development on the economy of Goa and on the relations among the various components of its tourism industry.Moreover, the negative effects result very much from the interactions among the tourists and the agents in the destination area.Environmental impact of tourism Positive impact 1. Financial contributions. (one of the largest frequent contributor to the exchequer) 2.Alternate employment. Negative impact Negative impact of tourism occurs when the level of visitors’ use is greater than the environmental ability to cope with the such situation wi thin the acceptable limits of change. Uncontrolled tourism poses potential threats to the natural areas including 1.Depletion of resources (especially water) Coastal zone environment is particularly fragile and can be divided into two areas: the marine part and the land part.They have been represented in a flowchart in the Annex. The work was carried out by multi National Institute of Oceanography on request from the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, in August/September, 1996 . Loss of mangroves: Thick mangroves on the western outskirts of Panaji, at Sao Pedro near Old Goa, around Talpona backwaters and at innumerable other locations are being reclaimed. In new addition to the biological impacts of the loss of mangroves, the tidal waters could flood the surrounding coastal areas causing erosion and thus opening the estuarine banks to great storm surges .

2 thousand tones. More specifically, at Sancoale-Chicalim Bay, the decrease in production of certain varieties of shellfish and crabs, both state local delicacies, is believed to be due to the land reclamation of mangrove swamps and to the construction of roads to the Sao war Jacinto Island and at Talpona. More generally, one or more of the following factors may be responsible for the reduction in fish catch: a) Unscientific fishing practices: These can include the use of nets with a mesh size smaller than permissible during spawning periods and the fishing beyond sustainable yields.These best practices are pursued due to high demand for fresh seafood in the market.Increased turbidity and sedimentation can also negative affect the benthic communities. †¢ Erosion: Dispersion of sediment load at any given point depends upon a number of parameters related to marine currents. Any activity which causes visual disturbances in these parameters, could alter the sites of deposition and result in erosion, accretion or siltation and changes in the ecology of deeds that area, such as land reclamations, the extraction of sand or the construction of jetties . Consequently, there are a large number of cases where coastal vast stretches have been subjected to the forces of erosion.Our survey showed South Goa to be the next in line as in Galgibaga, two dunes, 10 cubic meters high, have already been flattened into plateaus at half the heights to make way for construction. 3. Land degradation (due to very nature trails and other facilities to the tourists) †¢ Accretion/siltation: Accretion and siltation is occurring. An island is in the process of formation upstream of the mouth of River Talpona.Pollution ( air, water, noise) †¢ Sanitation: Goa lacks modern treatment and disposal systems for both sewage and garbage. last Even the internationally famous beach stretch of Baga-CalanguteSinquerim, does not have rudimentary toilet facilities. Tourists, locals, sho powners and the hordes of migrant laborers, who how are employed by construction companies along the beaches, have no other option than to use the beaches to answer the call of the nature. Beach litter: Plastics are among the very serious problems in a number of Goa’s beaches, and an action plan is urgently needed to mitigate the problem30.

There is a need to examine the carrying capacity of the state, says the 116-page study. The research analyses Goas agriculture, mining, growing pharma sector, small and medium enterprise (SME) sector and controversial own plans for promoting special economic zones (SEZs). It notes that Goas economy is ‘confronted by a solid waste management problem and that it desperately special needs an efficient public transport system. ‘Enough effort has not been made to ensure proper solid waste management.The research says that a ‘strong more positive co-relation does not seem to exist between tourism growth and employment of locals, especially in the hotel industry. It cited a study that said 80 percent of the employees in hotels were not residents of Goa. ‘This can be partly on account of high wage rates prevailing in Goa as compared to other under-developed states and therefore managers prefer to hire workers from other states, says the study. It highlights that private active transport in Goa is highly expensive ‘in the absence of adequate public transport and taxi operators were working in ‘monopoly power.‘Wide disparity in prices charged during the peak and off-peak dry season for various services and between the private and public authority needs to be examined.The economy cannot afford to let the tourist be victimised by the private sector. ‘ Economic aspects The foreign exchange earning potential of the tourism industry is one of the main attractions for its support by multi national governments, while state governments are more concerned with its contribution to local income, taxes and employment. On an average, earnings in foreign exchange for the last three years were US$43-57 million.Moreover, in 1992, about 90 percent of the domestic tourists who came to Goa spent less than US$35 per capita per day. Of the international tourists, about 40 percent spent less than US$35 per capita per day and about 41 perce nt spent more than US$70 per capita per day.As mentioned earlier, however, this trend is changing today . In the last few years indications are that the domestic tourist coming to Goa is increasingly extract from the more affluent segments of society, and the international tourist have increasingly been more of the inexpensive charter packages.

70| Internal Transport| 13. 63| 10. 40| Entertainment| 2. 61| 1.Economic forces how are driving social forces here.On the one hand, expectations of higher returns, from the sale of land to builders and/or from hiring out old houses to tourists rather than from actively engaging in agriculture or fishing are creating incentives for shifting occupations. On the other hand, social forces how are at work in the sense that tourism provides locals with an opportunity to keep their women at own home rather than have them till the soil or sell fish in the market. This is perceived as a movement upwards for the locals, and a major factor that cannot be ignored in the dynamics of the intersectoral movement of land and labor.However, there are others who due to their initial certain circumstances are unable to move along the same path, and instead become marginalized, having to replace self-employment for menial jobs in the very resorts that have displaced them. The issue of income distri bution needs to be examined.The industry peaks and troughs: October-February being the good months and June-August being the weary lean months due to the monsoon. This seasonality requires the tourism industry to respond by adjusting the output in terms of the services it provides which affects hotels, restaurants and their employees.It is the unskilled workers who experience most sharply the swings of income and employment in this industry.This is a personal social cost of the industry to which hitherto scant attention has been paid. Impact of falling value of Rupee on tourism. Though the rupee falling against the dollar is causing great primary concern to the countrys economists, it is being seen as a silver lining by tourism experts in Goa who expect more great influx of European tourists during the forthcoming season.

Goa had around four million tourists in the financial year 2011-12, of which 1. 69 lakh arrived in 910 chartered flights.In 2010-11, 1. 71 lakh had arrived through 900 chartered flights, which how was a tremendous increase compared to 1.Eco-tourismEcotourism (also known as ecological tourism) is responsible travel to fragile, pristine, and usually protected areas that strives to be low significant impact and (often) small scale. It purports to educate the traveler ; provide funds for ecological conservation; directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities; and foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Ecotourism is held as important by those who participate in it so that future generations may experience aspects of the environment relatively untouched by human intervention.Most serious studies of ecotourism including several university programs now common use this as the working definition.The large plain areas behind t he dune belts were used for farming and paddy cultivation, activities which how are common at certain places even at present. Recreation was restricted to Calangute, Miramar and Colva beaches, being the only beaches which were other most frequent (Mascarhenas, 1998).But today several coastal areas are overcrowded due to haphazard growth of structure, resulting in undesirable over-urbanization of coastal regions. Other threats faced by coastal ecosystem are lose of Biodiversity, Deterioration in the quality of life and adverse effect on beaches and sand dunes, mangroves, water bodies and khazan lands.Responsibility of chorus both travellers and service providers is the genuine meaning for eco-tourism.Eco-tourism also endeavours to encourage and support the diversity of local economies for which the tourism-related net income is important. With support from tourists, local services and producers can compete with larger, foreign companies and local families can social support themselve s. Besides all these, the revenue produced from tourism helps and encourages governments to fund conservation projects and training programs.

Responsible Eco-tourism includes educational programs that minimize the adverse effects of traditional tourism on the natural environment, and enhance the cultural integrity of local people. Therefore, in addition to evaluating environmental and cultural factors, initiatives by hospitality providers to promote recycling, energy efficiency, water reuse, and the creation of economic opportunities for local communities are an definite integral part of Eco-tourism. Historical, biological and cultural conservation, preservation, sustainable development etc. are some of the fields closely related to Eco-Tourism.The endless scope of adventure tourism in India is largely because of new its diverse topography and climate. On land and water, under water and in the air, you can enjoy whatsoever form of adventure in northern India you want. It is one opportunity for you to leave all inhibitions behind and just let yourself go. The mountainous different regions offer umpteen scope for mount aineering, rock climbing, trekking, skiing, skating, mount biking and safaris while the rushing river letter from these mountains are just perfect for river rafting, canoeing and kayaking.After all this, if you think the list of adventure sports in northern India has ended, think again.There is still much left in form of paragliding, hand gliding, hot air ballooning, etc. Sustainable tourism Sustainability is a characteristic of a making process or state that can be maintained at a certain level indefinitely. Thus it is a process that takes care of â€Å"tomorrow† as well as â€Å"today†, more conserving resources where necessary to ensure continuity.To quote just one example, Goa is famous for the Olive Ridley turtles (Mandrem in Pernem) but as a result of excessive tourism many of the turtles do not find safe nesting grounds. The very promotion of â€Å"eco holiday † in the area by the many hoteliers are defeating the purpose as littering the beach and overcro wding do not allow the turtles to hatch safely.Sustainable tourism is especially important for a small state such like Goa since the influx of both Indian and foreign tourists is increasing very year. Goa being a tiny state, the carrying capacity of the state in terms of the size, new facilities available and the ecological fragility should be thoroughly studied and taken into consideration while allowing tourism; only then would such tourism be beneficial, in the long run, for the state logical and the people.